Well Shannon did! I knew she was planning a surprise box for me, and I must admit I had gathered some hints on her blog.
9 days ago, as I was preparing to leave the house to go to the hospital, the postman rang at my door. It was a box for me, coming from across the seas.
I just took the time to open it and give a quick look between two contractions. (do you say contraction in english? I have no idea and no courage to check)
Shannon, your gift has brighten that day! I'm truly in love with all three gnomeys hats. You have to tell me was yarn it is made of, because I love it!
And I am now eager to try the kool aid. Thanks thanks thanks.
I post that pityful picture here now, but as soon as I can get together some smiling children, a bit of sunshine and Alain as a photographer, you will see how cute they are with them on. They like the hats very much already. Benoît had his own on all yesterday evening. I must reinforce the pompoms, because he keeps pulling them.
Vous souvenez-vous de mon coup de coeur pour les Gnomey Hats? Shannon s'en est souvenue! Je savais qu'elle me préparait une surprise, et j'avoue que j'avais repéré quelques indices sur son blog.
Il y a 9 jours, comme je me préparais à quitter ma maison pour me rendre à l'hopital, on a sonné à la porte. Le facteur m'apportais un gros paquet, qui me venait de l'autre côté de l'Atlantique. J'ai juste eu le temps de l'ouvrir et d'y jeter un oeil entre deux contractions, avant de partir.
Shannon, ton beau cadeau a embelli cette journée. J'aime énormément ces trois bonnets de gnomes. Il faudra me dire de quelle laine il sont fait. Les couleurs sont extraordinaires, et elle est très douce. Je me réjouis aussi d'essayer la teinture au kool-aid. Thanks thanks thanks.
Je poste ici cette photo misérable, en attendant de réunir des enfants souriants, un rayon de soleil et Alain en photographe.
Another knitting event (mmpfrrffff) is that I finished my clapotis yesterday evening (while waiting for Léon to wake up for his midnight snack. He didn't. My poor breast had to wait two more hours.)
Well, to be honest, I still have to hide the few hanging threads. But I finished the unravelling to day. (Bdw, I disliked unravelling a lot... until yesterday, when i finally found an effective way to do it. Not too late, indeed, but not early neither!)
Here is my sweet one modelling the scarf:
How do you like them?
L'autre "événement" sur le front du tricot, c'est que j'ai terminé mon Clapotis, cette nuit, en attendant que Léon se réveille pour sa tétée de minuit (finalement il ne s'est réveillé qu'à deux heures!). Je n'ai trouvé un moyen efficace pour défaire les mailles qu'hier soir! Pas trop tard, me direz-vous. Non, mais pas trop tôt non plus.
Voici le petit mignon qui pose pour vous présenter mon écharpe. Qu'en dites-vous? Ne sont-ils pas adorables?
5 commentaires:
Hmmm...I guess you weren't buying the "I need kids head sizes for halloween costumes" eh? Aw, well, I was never very sneaky -lol. I'm so happy you like the hats, I will let Rox know. Leon is beautiful! And, yes, it is contractions in english. Have a wonderful day!
What a gorgeous baby! Congratulations!
And your Clapotis is beautiful. Well done.
Beautiful clapotis, and beautiful baby! Though to be honest, I would not have wanted my babies near mine at this age...I would have had conniptions if they spit up on Lion & Lamb :)
Lovely job!
Those hats are darling!!
What a beautiful baby - he models the clapotis quite well! :-)
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