16 août 2005

(not-really)self portrait tuesday

Obviously I didn't take that picture! But this is one of my favourite. I'm on the right, with a few missing teeth. My sister is on the left. It's a bright sunny day at the park. I used to play a lot on those climbing grids...
Bien sûr je n'ai pas pris cette photo. Mais je l'aime beaucoup. Je suis à droite (avec quelques dents en moins), ma soeur à gauche. Nous sommes au parc, et le soleil brille autant que nos sourires. J'aimais beaucoup grimper sur ces grilles...

1 commentaire:

Shan a dit…

Hi Filambulle, the photo is very cute. Thanks for visiting my blog yesterday, I was worried that my comment on BT2 was too harsh, I'm glad you did not think so. E-mail me a shipping address and I will gladly ship you some of my stash - though I may have to wait till my next paycheck as I'm sure shipping to Switzerland is not cheap - lol.