19 juil. 2007

a border for Rowan's Birch?

In order to keep me occupied while waiting for my beads to come (I have already swatched my cashemire and it is lovely), I have finished my very old Birch. It had been waiting very patiently in a lovely bag since ages because I was not happy with its size.

I don't know what we have been thinking while trying to figure how many stitches I should cast-on to be sure to finish a smaller birch with only two balls of rowan's kidsilk haze, but we may have to considerably lower our self-esteem in math.
Both me and my very clever man.

My Birch is tiny. She didn't even used a full ball.

Of course I may not frog this yarn. So I thought I may add a border to my shawl. Does anyone knows a nice border with a leaf motif? Not to complicate to compliment the simplicity of Birch? And if you have some advice on how many stitches to pick-up and knit for a sided border in garder-stitch,. I would be grateful. With any advice, actually.

If you want to get an idea of how she is looking, I have found a similar one at Sweet Georgia's. I hope she doesn't mind if I give you here a tiny link direct to her photo.
Thank you very much for your help!
Now I am leaving you, because a girl has to sleep sometimes too.

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

manuele, j'ai le knitting over the edge avec de beaux motifs feuilles, souhaites-tu faire une bande et la coudre apres ou bien relever les mailles et la tricoter directe ?
sinon, que penses-tu d'essayer la bordure finale du Flower Basket Shawl ? en relevant le bon nombre de mailles tu peux gagner quelques cms...

pour un Birch a 2 pelotes de KSH normalement c'est bon a 219 mailles ;o)

Filambulle a dit…

Merci Karen.
J'ai relevé mes mailles sur les deux côtés inférieurs, ajouté un motif emprunté à Folk Sahlws, et je suis en train d'improviser en ajoutant des perles! Je me suis totalement lachée là. Et je crois bien que ce sera très chouette (et très loin de la sobriété originale du modèle...)

Anonyme a dit…


Anonyme a dit…

oups j'ai pas vu ta reponse ;o)