10 nov. 2008

Rainbow Moebius

Rainbow Moebius
Rainbow Moebius
Originally uploaded by filambulle

To balance the tiredness I knit a rainbow.

Noro Silkgarden Lite
Design by Filambulle

ETA: Yes, I am going to sell the pattern. It is being test-knit by a lovely knitter right now, while I am figuring out layouts, how to sell a pdf... :D

7 commentaires:

Oiyi a dit…

Oh my, it's beautiful! I saw it on Ravelry and had to come to comment.


Anonyme a dit…


Nutsue a dit…

Très jolie!!!

Prunila a dit…

Ohhhhhhh! J'adore!!!!! c'est super joli!

Anonyme a dit…

vraiment superbe !!!!!!! surtout en Noro ;o)
je l'ai vu sur ravelry ..
dommage qu'il n'y ai pas les explications......

Sara a dit…

Oh, it is lovely! I don't know that I am an accomplished enough knitter to do this myself but I will definitely purchase the pattern to have my friend knit it for me.
I also really like the color yarn that Oiyi used (originally saw this on her blog).

knititch a dit…

thanks for your comment on my blog. very nice to hear from you again. isn't that some lovely yarn for a great moebius.

best wishes x and o's from copenhagen
