I have some technical issues with the uploading of photos and don't want to post without at leat one photo in my message, so I don't write often. If only you could here my mentalblog, it would be nice!
I have many finished object that I did not write about. Some I hope to catch up, some I will probably forget to write about. But there are so many great blogs now that I don't really feel you will miss my missed posts so much.(What an awful sentence! I obviously lack some training in written english. really should post more often...)
In the meantime, I offer you here a taste of some things I loved in my two-weeks spring, in no particular order:
My very first garden-growth tulips:
A wonderful trip to Villeneuve and the Chateau de Chillon. A total must-see for both the children and the grown ups. Almost the entire castle is open to the public, we where almost alone (because we arrived so late than it was supposed to be closed!), and my three-year old son was particularly impressed. So much impressed that he asked to go back first thing in the morning the next day.
We started the visit by the dreadful jail...
And ended at the top, with the most beautiful view you could ever dream off.
You can see how much my son was happy (and how delighted I was. It is not often that I feel so much in my element):
My beloved red hat is out of the drawer again. If we meet this summer, you will see it in all probability. It almost fits me and live only small marks on my forehead when taken off, contrary to all normal sized hat that one finds in the shops. I really should find a bunch of good patterns to make myself the hats I deserve. I hate to stay bareheaded in the sun.
Finally, for the textile-obsessed amongst you, a shot of the home-dyed wool I used in my last knitted project. A very practical one indeed!
2 commentaires:
mais qui sont ces fantômes à chapeaux
dans les bas-fonds du château?
"anonyme" pour les jolis fantômes parce que je n'ai toujours pas retrouvé mon mot de passe et que le chemin dans google pour le retrouver m'est vraiment trop étranger (on m'y pose une question qui n'a rien à voir avec mon mot secret de rattrappage!!?!? grrrrr)
alors je signe Jac et voilà.
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