In short I am sorry to write that this post may be as imagefree as the last one*.
Since the 20th of septembre, I have started a new formation. My three children and myself have been sick and lost our voices one after another, and as I was running between working, parenting and learning, I had no time left to rest and heal myself. So I kept coughing. And coughing. As the itch and the pain in my right lung kept getting worst, I finally whent to the doctor (I hate that). I had an x-ray. Oh! Surprise! I have a bronchitis! Give me some antibiotics please! And some cortison. And don't forget the resyl and the fluimucil (or its twin).
It is getting boring. Since I was a kid, I keep having the same problems with the same lung, and using the same remedies to heal. Not always together, luckily, but still.
Anyway, I am wondering how and when I did finish all the projects I am so eager to share with you.
The last one may well be the most thrilling and my favourite. I finally used that simple weaving I bought for nothing in the charity thrifting store months ago. I had no manual, so I figured out how to mount the warp using sock yarn. (Regia yarn. I am all for strenght here) Then I grab a few odds and ends in my stash and whent from there.
The result is beautiful. I have yet to find a way to hide the fringes and to display it. But this technique is probably the best way to use the ends of balls and the strange yarn that most of us harbor here or there in our home.
If you have no yarn in your house, maybe you can play weaving nonetheless. My daughter loved weaving with paper. If I can I will show you what she made today. It is lovely.
In the mean time, if you only want to knit, I can suggest you those nice and fun hat and scarf patterns (go see the keyboard biologist for a nice picture of the last one). I knit both of them two times already. And will knit them again. A little bit more demanding but equally nice is this sock pattern. Which obviously I had to knit twice! And I am playing now with that scarf. I am using the same colours as the twisted knitter. It is unique, mysterious and beautiful. It's too bad tomorrow is monday. I could enjoy a second week-end. Don't you ever feel that way?
*It's not! I have a bad photo of my first zeebee hat! In Noro Transitions! Hurray!
Je suis navrée de ne pas traduire systématiquement mes billets. Je n'ai pas vraiment le temps et le courage en ce moment. Bizarrement, même si le français est ma langue maternelle et que c'est mon propre texte que je traduit, c'est assez long tout de même.
En gros: les enfants et moi avons été malades au point de perdre nos voix. Débordée par tout ça, avec le début de ma nouvelle formation, je ne me suis pas reposée ni soignée, et le résultat c'est que j'ai eu une bronchite assez sévère.
Malgré tout j'ai fini pas mal de projets, que j'aimerais vous montrer si la chaîne objet-caméra-ordinateur voulait bien marcher. En particulier j'ai enfin testé mon mini métier à tisser, et si j'ai certainement réinventé la roue pour cause d'absence de mode d'emploi je me suis éclatée. C'est vraiment le moyen idéal pour utiliser tous les bouts de laine et les drôles de fils qui traînent dans tous les tiroirs des obsédées du textile.
Ma fille a tissé aussi. Mais du papier.
Et enfin si vous cliquez sur les liens du dernier paragraphe en anglais vous verrez une sélection des modèles de tricot que j'ai utilisés ces derniers temps. Tous en anglais, cependant.
La mauvaise photo est celle de mon premier Zeebee. En Noro Transitions, s'il vous plaît.
Bonne semaine!
1 commentaire:
What a tease! Can't wait to see your FOs for they sound lovely.
Take care and feel better soon ..
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